
Scientific Studies About Magnesium and Potassium Aspartate and X-Cell-R8

 The following comments were reported in scientific journals for the research completed on the original formula developed by Dr. Henri Laborit in France (1960)

  1. Effects of Magnesium Potassium Aspartate on the Capacity for Prolonged Exercise in Man. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, Vol. 74: 238-245, 1968. The effect of potassium magnesium aspartate on the capacity for continuous, prolonged endurance exercise showed increases in exercise time of 50%.
  2. Treatment of Fatigue with Aspartate Acid Salts. Northwest Medicine, Vol. 60: 597-603, 1961. Results indicate that potassium and magnesium aspartate are physiologically effective. It is notable that regardless of the source or type of fatigue that potassium magnesium aspartate is helpful.
  3. Management of Fatigue: A Physiologic Approach. American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Vol. 243(6): 88-109, 1962. Eighty-six (86%) of the group treated with magnesium potassium aspartate reported they felt better, were more able to cope with or daily activities, and were not fatigued after a full days schedule.

 The following research publications were based on the use of the formulations designed by Dr. Gregory Ellis.

 Experimental Biology 1994

Effects of Chelated Magnesium Aspartate (CMA-also known as X-Cell-R8) on Swimming Time in Rats. J. Glass, H. Peisong, O.L. Tulp, and G. Ellis. Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.

Previous studies indicate that availability of substrate and oxygen may become rate limiting factors during aerobic endurance exercise. To determine the effects of CMA on swim time, adult lean female LA/N rats were allowed to swim to exhaustion in a swim tank containing 12 +/- 0.25 inches of water at 30 degrees centigrade. Prior to use, the stability of the CMA under conditions prevalent in the gastrointestinal tract was determined by treating aliquots of CMA from 2-8 pH for 0-30 minutes, followed by silica gel chromatography. The CMA was consistently found to be > 95% undissassociated under all conditions tested. Groups of rats (n = 6/group) were gavaged with one milliliter of distilled water, or a CMA solution containing 0, 6.25, 12.5, 100, or 0 mg per kilogram bodyweight at 0900 hours for three consecutive days. One day 3, rats were subjected to a swim to exhaustion exactly two hours following the last gavage treatment. Rats were limited to 1 swim/week, and allowed four or more days between trials so as to minimize effects of training or aging on outcome. The CMA treatment was associated with a dose related increase (< 2-fold) in swim time in all rats. These results indicate that antecedent oral administration of CMA may enhance endurance exercise, and may therefore be a useful ergonomic adjunct.

Summary (in English): The key to my development was to test whether X-Cell-R8 remained stable in the stomach. It was my theory that the salt form discovered by Dr. Laborit broke down in the stomach rendering it ineffective. We put the test substance directly into the animal’s stomach by using a feeding tube (gavage). Our tests showed that 95% of my new discovery remained intact so that it could go directly into the blood stream and then into the cells to deliver more energy. We then tested the theory of an increase in energy by measuring the swim times in rats. They swam longer.

 Experimental Biology 1995

Effects of Mineral Chelates on Swimming Time of LA/N Rats. G. Ellis, V. Salee, J. Glass, and O.L. Tulp. Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.

Numerous studies indicate that availability of oxygen and the capacity for substrate metabolism in muscle may become rate limiting factors during aerobic endurance exercise in man and animals. In addition, the chemical form in which these factors are presented to working muscle may also be important for optimal tissue uptake and in determining endurance capacity. To determine the effects of mineral chelates on endurance time in rats, groups of adult 6-month old virgin female congenic LA/N rats were administered chelated forms of magnesium aspartate or potassium aspartate, or the corresponding salt forms of the two compounds via gavage in increasing dosages of 0, 6.25, 12.5, or 100 milligrams per kilogram bodyweight for three days, followed by a swim to exhaustion exactly two hours after the last gavage treatment. Prior to mineral administration, the stability of all compounds under conditions prevalent in the gastrointestinal tract was validated the exposure to pHs 2-8 for < 30 minutes, followed by silica gel chromatography of the products. Stability of the chelates was found to be > 95% under these conditions. Rats were limited to 1 swim/week, to minimize potential training effects on outcome. Magnesium aspartate chelate and magnesium aspartate salt resulted in significant dose related increments (< 2-fold increase) in swim duration, while potassium aspartate chelate and potassium aspartate salt were associated in only modest increases (swim duration magnesium aspartate chelate > magnesium aspartate salt > potassium aspartate chelate > potassium aspartate salt). These results indicate that antecedent administration of chelated minerals may enhance endurance exercise, and may therefore be a useful ergonomic adjunct for endurance exercise.

Summary (in English): Again, we tested the stability of the new compound. We also compared the magnesium compounds to the potassium compounds and discovered that the magnesium was the more powerful of the two. We also determined that our special manufacturing process – chelation – created a more effective compound than the Laborit salt formula.

 Experimental Biology 1997

Effects of Mineral Chelate Mixtures on Swim Time in Rats. H. Friedman, H. Pendleton, G. Ellis, and O.L. Tulp. Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA and Targeted Body Systems, Glen Mills, PA.

Previous studies have demonstrated positive ergogenic effects of chelated mineral chelates on duration of swim time in rats. To determine if administration of mixtures of amino acid chelates might exert the same or greater effects, groups of adult weight stable female LA/N rats were administered 0 or 100 milligrams of chelated magnesium aspartate plus the same dosage of chelated potassium aspartate or the same dosage of the analogous salt forms of the same compounds. Rats were gavaged daily for three consecutive days, and subjected to a swim to fatigue exactly two hours after the final gavage. Rats were subjected to swimming more than once, but animals were not exercised more often than once per week so as to minimize potential endurance effects of repeated training. Bodyweights of rats remained stable throughout the study. Administration of X-Cell-R8 (magnesium and potassium aspartate) was more effective than either chelate alone, and was more effective than their analogous salt forms individually or in combination. These results demonstrate the positive ergogenic effects of X-Cell-R8 on duration of exercise, and suggest that substrate chelation may enhance physiologic performance via improvements in mineral absorption and/or distribution, the efficiency of muscle metabolism, or both processes.

Summary (in English): Here we tested my new chelate against the salts and also tested what happened when we used both the magnesium aspartate chelate and potassium aspartate chelate together. Of course, they enhanced one another and also easily outperformed the salts.

 Proceedings, 16th International Congress of Nutrition, page 237, 1997. Endurance Effects of X-Cell-R8 on cap Swim Time and Metabolism in Rats. G. Ellis, H. Friedman, H. Pendleton, and O.L. Tulp. Drexel University, Philadelphia, P.A. and Targeted Body Systems, Glen Mills, P.A., USA.

In previous studies we have demonstrated positive ergogenic effects of chelated mineral chelated on duration of swim time in rats. To determine if administration of combinations of amino acid chelates might exert the same were greater effects, groups of adult weight stable female LA/N rats (n = 10 rats/group) were administered 0 or 100 milligrams of chelated magnesium aspartate plus the same dosages of chelated potassium aspartate were the same dosages of the analogous salt forms of the same compounds (magnesium aspartate salt; potassium aspartate salt). Rats were gavaged with the respective compounds daily for three consecutive days and subjected to a swim to fatigue (water 30.5 cm deep, 30 degrees centrigrade) exactly two hours after the final gavage. Rats were subjected to swimming more than once, but animals were not exercised more often than once per week so as to minimize potential endurance effects of repeated training. Body weights of rats remained stable throughout the study. Administration of mineral chelates was more effective than either chelate alone, and was more effective than mineral salts individually or in combination. These results demonstrate the positive ergogenic effects of mineral chelates on duration of exercise, and suggest that substrate chelation may enhance physiologic performance via improvements in mineral absorption and/or distribution, the efficiency of muscle metabolism, or both processes.

Summary (in English): As in theprevious study, we tested my new chelate against the salts and also tested what happened when we used both the magnesium aspartate chelate and potassium aspartate chelate together. Of course, they enhanced one another and also easily outperformed the salts.

 Experimental Biology 1998

Carbohydrate Loading Further Enhances Chelated X-Cell-R8 Swim Time in Rats. J. Nichols, R. Robinson, G. Ellis, and O.L. Tulp. Drexel University, Philadelphia, P.A. and Targeted Body Systems, Glen Mills, PA

The physiologic effects of carbohydrate loading on endurance exercise in man and animals are well documented. Recent studies from our lab have also reported positive ergogenic effects for chelated magnesium aspartate and potassium aspartate mixtures. To determine the potential for additive ergogenic effects of the two treatments, groups of adult lean weight stable LA/N rats were fed normally or supplemented with 25% polycose, the mineral chelates, or the combined polycose and mineral chelates regimen for three days. Exactly two hours after the last treatments, animals were exercised to fatigue and swim times recorded. Bodyweights remained stable throughout. Carbohydrate loading resulted in a 50% increase in duration of swim time to fatigue, while the X-Cell-R8 regimen resulted in a 3-fold and the Polycose plus X-Cell-R8 a 3.4-fold increase in swim time to fatigue, consistent with both carbohydrate and magnesium induced enhancements in energy metabolism. These results indicate that the ergogenic effects of chelated amino acid-mineral mixtures may be further augmented by carbohydrate loading.

Summary (in English): Here we tested my new chelate against carbohydrate loading, a popular performance-enhancing dietary treatment. X-Cell-R8 easily won this battle and when the two regimens were combined, performance improved dramatically.

 Experimental Biology 1999

Ergogenic Effects of X-Cell-R8 in Athletes. S. Ritter, G. Ellis, and O.L. Tulp. Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104 and Targeted Body Systems, Glen Mills, PA, 19 342

Numerous studies indicate that magnesium may become rate-limiting under conditions of maximal physiologic exertion, and that magnesium intake may often be below the RDA in many athletes. We previously observed that exercise was associated with decreases in serum magnesium concentration, similar to that which has also been reported in marathon runners. To determine the effective magnesium supplementation on ergogenic capacity in trained athletes by using a highly absorbable chemical form of magnesium, we administered a combination of chelated magnesium aspartate plus potassium aspartate complex (X-Cell-R8); 4 X 360 milligrams per capsule per day; subject number = 25, or placebo, subject number = five, containing equimolar amounts of magnesium for five days to trained athletes. Mean run times (MRT) were obtained weekly for three weeks prior to X-Cell-R8 or placebo treatments and anthropometrics the day of the final run. Mean percent body fat was similar in both groups (X-Cell-R8 = 15.3 vs. placebo = 14.3%). MRT were improved in the X-Cell-R8 group (before = 6:01 minutes vs. after 5:53 minutes). Moreover, 75% of the X-Cell-R8 group improved MRT significantly (average - 9.41 seconds: range - 3.02 to 18.7 seconds), while the other 25% were similar before and after X-Cell-R8. MRT tended to be slightly improved in placebo (before = 5:47 vs. after = 5:43 minutes, including one runner who improved MRT by - 16.8 seconds on the final run). Neither concurrent multivitamin or creatine used by athletes was associated with further improvements in run time in either group. These results indicate that the X-Cell-R8 complex use may result in significant ergogenic effects and improved MRT in most trained athletes, and may result in a competitive edge over multivitamin or other nutritional regimens.

Summary (in English): In this study highly trained athletes improved their run time performance during a one mile run by an average of 8 seconds. The conclusion was that X-Cell-R8 could provide athletes with a unique performance advantage.

 X-Cell-R8 Formulations

 The first X-Cell-R8 formulation was made in 1992. In 1999, we developed an advanced manufacturing process that improved the product dramatically. All of the above studies used the first formulation. The results of a rat study are provided in the table below to show how much better the advanced formulation worked. This proprietary product is now used in manufacturing the X-Cell-R8 product.


Rat Swim Times for Different X-Cell-R8 Formulations


Swim Time (min.)

% of Control




X-Cell-R8 (First Formulation)



X-Cell-R8 (Advanced Formulation)




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