Scientific Bulletin

X-Cell-R8A Dietary Supplement to Increase Endurance, Energy, and Physical Stamina. Developed by Dr. Gregory Ellis

Scientific Research Bulletin


September 23, 1999

The phenomenal growth of X-Cell-R8 sales is unprecedented. Some people, however, have expressed concern about the product since users realized the extraordinary power of X-Cell-R8 for increasing energy and endurance. Detractors claim that it must be a drug because no product can be this powerful and not be a drug.

 Whoa... hold onto your horses! X-Cell-R8 is not a drug and will not give the user any drug-like effects. It is a product with more than 30 years of research behind it. The recent work (since 1989) by Dr. Gregory Ellis, PhD, CNS, which led to two published scientific papers and a United States Patent Application, shows unmatched results compared with previous combinations.

 The question is on everyone’s lips ... What’s in X-Cell-R8 and how does it work? Some people feel that whatever it is, it can’t be good for you because it works so well. The label is clear -- the ingredients in X-Cell-R8 are exactly what’s listed: the minerals magnesium, potassium, and the amino acid aspartic acid. That’s it!

 But ... how can it work so well? Those details are covered in the product brochure and in the U.S. Patent application. The products bypass the breakdown process that would occur in the stomach where the acid level is about pH 1.0-2.0. This much acid will digest a piece of steak in minutes much like a pack of piranha fish would eat a cow carcass. But, with X-Cell-R8, the patented process led to the development of a strong chemical bond that is impervious to stomach acid. This allows the products to get into the blood and travel to all the cells of the body where the nutrients penetrate the cell wall and enter directly into the cell’s energy cycle.

 The biggest challenge so far has been about the content of the magnesium and potassium in the product and the potential for human toxicity. Let me assure you -- there can be no toxicity with the use of X-Cell-R8 unless you take an enormous quantity.

Review of the X-Cell-R8 ingredients

The following table lists the ingredients of X-Cell-R8 and the current US RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) for each of the nutrients:


X-Cell-R8 Content per Daily Dose

(4 capsules: total 2,000 mg)




 110 mg (max)

280 mg (women)

350 mg (men)


 260 mg (max)

1,600-2,000 mg (min)

Aspartic Acid

1,630 mg (min)



Body content and function: Most of the 28 grams of body magnesium is in muscles and soft tissues, 1% is in extracellular fluids, and the remainder in the skeleton. Magnesium is essential for all biosynthetic processes including carbohydrate use, energy-dependent membrane transport processes, and the transmission of genetic code. More than 300 enzymes (of a total 1,500) are known to be activated by magnesium. Free intracellular magnesium is thought to control cellular metabolism by modulating rate-limiting enzymes. Extracellular magnesium is critical to the maintenance of electrical potentials of nerve and muscle membranes.

Dietary sources and intake: All unprocessed foods contain magnesium. The largest content is in seeds such as nuts, legumes, and un-milled grains (note: these foods are consumed in very small quantities by most people). More than 80% of the magnesium is lost by grain milling and refinement. In 1985 the USDA estimated an average adult intake for males of 329 mg/day and 200 mg for females. This usual intake is below that recommended for health (see table above).

Toxicity: There is no evidence that large oral intakes of magnesium are harmful to people.

Magnesium notes: Too much calcium can antagonize magnesium metabolism and intensify an acute and chronic magnesium deficiency and increase heart damage caused by heart-disease causing diets. Dr. Mildred Seelig believes that magnesium intake should exceed 6 mg/kg body weight per day (average 70 kg male = 420 mg; average 54 kg female = 324 mg. Based on this analysis, 75% of the adult population eats less than the optimum daily requirement of magnesium). It is clear from the above table and discussion that X-Cell-R8 contains far less than the toxic amount of magnesium and that it will contribute to the daily requirement needed by most people.


Body content and function: Potassium is the principal intracellular cation with a concentration inside the cell 30 times more than in the extracellular water. This small extracellular quantity is very important to the transmission of nerve impulses, to the control of skeletal muscle contraction, and to the maintenance of normal blood pressure. Dietary sources and intake: Potassium is widely distributed in foods and processing of the food supply has led to a relative increase in sodium and a decrease in potassium. The richest sources are unprocessed foods especially meats, fruits, and vegetables.

Toxicity: Acute intoxication will result from enteral or parenteral intake usually requiring and intake of 18,000 mg for an adult. This toxic amount is far greater than that received in the daily dose of X-Cell-R8: in fact 70 times greater!

Aspartic acid

Body content and function: This is a non-essential amino acid synthesized in the body from the amino acid glutamate and vitamin B6 as a cofactor. It has an important function in the urea cycle (the body’s method of ammonia release). Aspartic acid can also enter the energy producing Kreb’s or TCA cycle. The above two functions of aspartic acid are believed to be the prime effect of X-Cell-R8 in increasing energy. Aspartic acid can stimulate the immune system and may protect against radioactivity.

Dietary sources and intake: Aspartic acid is highly concentrated in protein foods:






Content (mg)

Wheat germ

1 cup



1 cup


Cottage Cheese

1 cup





Whole milk

1 cup



4 ounces



4 ounces



1 cup



1 cup


Toxicity: Large doses of aspartic acid (5,000 mg) in fasted humans raised blood plasma levels to high normal. Five hours later, aspartic acid was undetectable. This dose was too small to produce any toxic effects (5,000 mg at one time is not toxic versus 1,750 mg in a daily dose of X-Cell-R8; X-Cell-R8 is not toxic even at doses as high as 4-10 times that recommended).


1. Recommended Dietary Allowances, 10th Edition. National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1989.

2. The Healing Nutrients Within: Facts, Findings and New Research on Amino Acids. Eric Braverman, MD. Chapter V. Glutamate Amino Acids, 220-228, 1987.

3. Wester, PO. Magnesium. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 45:1305-12, 1987.

4. Seelig, MS and Heggtveit, HA. Magnesium interrelationships in ischemic heart disease: a review. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 27:59-79, 1974.

5. Glass, J., Peisong, H., Tulp, O.L., and Ellis, G. Effect of chelated Mg-ASP (CMA) on swimming time in rats. Experimental Biology, Spring, 1994.

6. Ellis, G., Sallee, V., Glass, J., and Tulp, O.L. Effects of mineral chelates on swimming time of LA/N rats. Experimental Biology, Spring, 1995.

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